The Insurance Family Blog

CA Wildfire Risk Map Hidden for Fear of Insurance Rate Hikes

Posted by Susie Scherff on October 21, 2010 at 5:02 PM

Officials in the city of San Marcos, California have been keeping a color-coded map showing the risk of wildfire danger a secret. Why? The officials believe showing the areas that are at the greatest risk will give reason for insurance companies to drop policies and raise rates.

City leaders told the North County times that a copy of the map which was circulated left out the shadings of “high-risk” and “extreme wildfire hazard” areas. Instead of differentiating sections based on risk, the circulated map just had green shading over any area that was at risk, not categorizing the risk from low to high.

Fire Chief Todd Newman, City Manager Paul Malone and other city officials said that the color-coded map was intended for internal planning use. It was never made public out of concerns that insurance companies would raise rates or cancel policies for Coronado Hills and Attebury residents, the two areas said to be at the highest risk.

The color-coded fire-risk ratings went from "low" and "moderate" to "high," "very high" and "extreme."

Coronado Hills and Attebury were rated "extreme." The communities of Solar, Esplendido, Rockoff, Via Allondra and Stone Canyon/Discovery Hills were rated "very high."

Nordahl, La Cienega, Tamara/Sunshine Mountain, Calle Marie, Rancho de Oro, Santa Fe Hills and La Plaza ranked "high." The city's five other communities ranked "low" or "moderate."

Be sure to check if your home is in a high risk area for a wildfire. If you find yourself at risk check fire insurance quotes at a San Marcos or Los Angeles Insurance Agency so your home and belongings will be covered in the event of a blaze.

Topics: Home Insurance, Property Insurance, dwelling fire policy