The Insurance Family Blog

The City of Los Angeles to Install Credit Card Parking Meters

Posted by Susie Scherff on September 9, 2010 at 4:32 PM

As technology advances so does the way you can pay for parking in California. The City of Los Angeles has been experiencing problems lately with parking meters malfunctioning. As a result they will start installing new meters that take quarters and credit cards as early as this week.

The LA Times reports that about half of the 40,000 parking meters in the city will be replaced, and drivers will be expected to start paying once they are in place. “Until all the meters are replaced, drivers who find a spot at an old, broken meter will not get a ticket”, says Sean Anderson, a spokesman for the CA Transportation Department. But drivers who park at a new meter that is down will receive a ticket, though the new meters should rarely malfunction.

“That is unlikely to happen,” says Anderson. “With the new meters, you don’t have the reliability issue. There is a less than 1% chance they are ever down”.

Parking next to a meter is less expensive than paying for a parking ticket, a tactic the transportation department is using in hopes people won’t disobey the laws. With meters now taking credit cards, “I didn’t have any quarters,” will not be an understandable excuse.

Don’t let parking tickets pile up, your California Auto Insurance policy could be affected if your license is suspended due to too many violations.

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